CafeCoin - The Smart Universal Payment Token

About CafeCoin

First in the World
    Revolutionary Blockchain Payment Application Designed by Columbia University Ph.D. Scientist.

    CafeCoin makes huge savings and data-benefits of blockchain technology and delivers it to retailers and consumers with a focused and intuitive mobile payment application that anyone can use.

    CafeCoin makes technology and savings previously only available for the biggest businesses, accessible to everyone!

    CafeCoin gives consumers the power to drive savings through discounts and all retailers the power to save and market their products with unmatched precision.

    Forget your debit card and Explore CafeCoin, Universal Smart Payment Token that negotiates discounts for you!
It's time for retailers and customers to be freed from large credit cards, debit cards and large data companies that share personal transactional data and charge very high fees.

    Every time your favorite store receives your credit / debit card as a payment, they will be charged the most frequently passed to you through a higher price, and personal information, including the home address and security details of your payment card.

    The new retail blockchain and CafeCoin's mobile payment application replace these costs with incentives for all CafeCoin users to use minimal computing power on smartphones everyday to confirm transactions on the blockchain.

    Because your favorite retailers don't have the fees to be forwarded from credit and debit card companies, they can be given an incentive to use the savings to give you discounts for any goods or services!

    Blockchain and the CafeCoin mobile application can be used to buy or sell items anywhere, anytime, and without additional fees and data exposure that comes with traditional payment processors. Now, credit card fees that are usually charged can be saved, and the money is passed on to you as a discounted price and adjusted loyalty.

Come on let's support CafeCoin to be the best in the world.

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Author  :  TsabArt

Address  :  0x02315e697Aa8A8E7e21Dd9cfbe5b5C077906592B
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